The thesis defense is public and consists of a presentation of 40-45 min, followed by a discussion of 20-60 min.
Examiners are:
(1) the thesis advisor,
(2) the co-referee, and
(3) GHS representative who is also charing the thesis defense.
The examiners agree immediately on the assessment of the thesis defense and communicate it to the candidate. It is recorded on the Thesis Defense Record (DOCX, 906KB) and submitted to the GHS office by the GHS representative. If both the Thesis advisor and the Co-thesis advisor participate, they express one common grade.
The final assessment is summarized on the Graduation Record and is obtained as defined in the «Rules» of the GHS («Promotionsreglement (PDF, 426KB)»), Art. 16.
GHS Representatives and mentors chairing defenses
Please note that the GHS does not assign the representative/chair for the defense nor coordinate the defense date with them. The PhD student has to contact all examiners independently. For students that belong to the Expert Committee III the chair of the defense should be the mentor, for students of Expert Committeees I and II this should be a member of the corresponding committee. You can see the current list of the expert committee members here. However, if the mentor resigns from the Expert Committee before the defense, the mentor cannot chair the defense. The student should, in this case, find another member of the respective Expert Committee to chair the defense.