GHS Symposium

The GHS organizes an annual Symposium which offers GHS PhD candidates an opportunity to present their research work to their peers.

The Symposium consists of poster presentations, talks and a workshop.  

The workshop topics «Ethics in Health Sciences» and «Philosophy and History of Science» alternate bi-annually.

It is mandatory for all GHS students to participate in the Symposium in person twice before the PhD defense process begins.

The first participation involves a poster presentation, whereas the second participation involves a talk. Please note that the presentations order can not be inverted: at the first attendance it is required to present a poster.

Furthermore, it is mandatory to attend both workshop topics.

To make sure that the GHS Symposium requirements are fulfilled, we strongly recommend to plan the attendance at both Symposiums directly upon admission to the GHS, in the Doctoral Agreement.

GHS Symposium 2025